sábado, 25 de dezembro de 2010

Liga Turca 10/11 - Em jogo confuso da arbitragem, Fenerbahçe vence Vakifbank

VakifGunes S. TTelekom 1x3 Fenerbhaçe Acibadem (23-25, 24-26, 25-15, 15-25) - Estatísticas

Quando Fenerbahçe e Vakifbank se enfrentam é sempre sinônimo de muita emoção em quadra. Os dois clubes, que fizeram a final da última temporada, se enfrentaram ontem, em partida válida pela  4ª rodada (jogo adiado devido a participação do Fenerbahçe no Mundial de Clubes). Foi o primeiro jogo do Fenerbahçe após o retorno de Doha. Só podendo utilizar 3 estrangeiras, como diz a regra do campeonato turco, o técnico Zé Roberto optou por deixar de fora Fofão e Fürst, que viram o jogo das arquibancadas. A partida, como esperado, foi bastante disputada. Após perder o primeiro set, o Vakifbank teve a chance de empatar o jogo, ao abrir 23x21 no final do segundo set, no entanto, permitiu a reação de Sokolova e cia, e o Fenerbahçe fechou em 26x24, abrindo 2x0. No terceiro set, mais uma vez o Vakifbank jogou melhor, e com facilidade fez 25x15. No quarto set, o Fenerbahçe voltou a abrir uma vantagem e fechou a partida em 3 set a 1. A torcida do Vakifbank reclamou muito da arbitragem durante toda a partida, que teria tomado decisões favorecendo o Fenerbahçe diversas vezes, e ainda deu uma cartão amarelo a equipe de Guidetti, aparentemente sem necessidade. O jogo poderia ter terminado com qualquer um dos times como vitorioso, mas o Fenerbahçe soube aproveitar melhor as chances decisivas. O destaque ficou por conta da ponteira croata Natasa Osmokrovic, que somou 17 pontos. A maior pontuadora do jogo foi Skowronska, com 18 pontos. Os dois times voltam a se enfrentam dia 30, em jogo válido pela Copa Turca, e promete ser ainda mais emocionante.

Fotos do jogo - http://www.voleybolmagazin.com/fotoGaleri.php?galeriId=467

Assista a Vakifbank x Fenerbahçe - http://tv.voleybolx.com/videoizle/130/VGSTT-1-Fenerbahce-Acibadem-3-(24122010)

fonte: voleybolmagazin.com, tvf.org.tr, inside-volley.com

2 comentários:

  1. :)malo arbitro
    sometimes i look at inside volley forum, and i know it is very difficult to manage all kind of persons who are discussing for nonsenses.
    especially some of Fenerbahçe fans are being very pretentious, or some of them being offended and dubious of all words from bad mannered rivals. Your administrator job is really hard after Fenerbahçe fans volleyball interest increasement. So that i am not keen to login this forum to give answers to everyone who deserves, you would get tire more jeje

    I accept some of our fans are really heavy, but i also see there is a very well working lobby of other team fans who are writing there about everything against Fenerbahçe. For example the bad arbitrage, i was in the saloon and yes there were a few mistakes which i also accept. But those arent so critic wrong decisions of the game momentum although other team fans are speaking about it so loudly.

    And beside of saloon was %95 Fener fans, we could take game control easily when we want, especially you can see if you watch only the points from 24-21 of second set to make a turn with supporters pressure. It is just like the style i love to make in volleyball.

    Anyway maybe the rival would win if they had motivate themselves for a victory when our team returned so tired and dismotivated cause celebrations. Next week cup game will be more different

  2. I understand what you say. well, I gues overall maybe turkish referees are not as good as players that play there. Not that Fenerbahçe or Vakifbanksteal or anything, just bad referees, that sometimes make mistakes. Maybe Turkish Federation could work on that next season, to improve the referees level. here in braisl we also have some very bad refereess..hehehe, but with time is getting better. :) turkish league it is already one of the most importants in the World, so the referees level should improve together with the league :) that would make the games even better. :)

    and what you say about some Fenerbahçe fans in inside volley being heavy, well yeah its true, but I believe that is maybe cause of fenerbahçe is a soccer team as well, adn soccer fans are just different to volley. At least is like that here in Brasil. We usually dont like when soccer fans get involved in volley supporting, cause they have a different view of how to support. but like you said, it is just some. Fenerbahçe is a huge club, with many sports, so is natural that some fans are pain in the ass (with all do respect with the words..hehe), but I also know most are respectfull! :) Like you! :) When you have huge numbers of supporters is natural to find all kind of people. So, I dont like to give the ones not polite my attention, I prefer talk to people like you! ;)



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